Deadpool (2016) – Review

I always have liked Ryan Reynolds! From his early days of Blade Trinity, Amityville Horror and Definitely, Maybe, there is something very charming about him. Like Chris Pratt. And DeaDeadpool review, Ryan Reynolds, Wade Wilson, Marvel Universedpool was no different! This movie was completely his show – and he owned it like a BOSS.

Another origins story of Marvel, Wade Wilson is a fowl-mouthed, fast talking mercenary with a morbid/wicked sense of humor. His life is all set when he meets Vanessa, his soulmate. But life deals him a shit hand and he has some sort of cancer which is going to take away his life. Enter Agent Smith lookalike, a shady outfit and a rogue experiment to turn him into a mutant – and viola! He is a superhero with super abilities to heal. But guess what, he is not The Beauty now, but The Beast in the looks department (personally, I don’t think his face was that bad, they could have made it worse).

The story follows him around when he tries to catch the bad guy who did this to him but the way the story is told is hilarious. Deadpool is not a serious superhero movie – it is not even a superhero movie with some laughs in it like other Marvel movies – it is just a movie which doesn’t take itself too seriously. And that’s where it wins, big time. The script/dialogues are just too cool.

Ryan Reynolds shines as Deadpool. Period. All other characters support him really well to basically form what this movie is about – Deadpool and how he came to be. The action sequences are hilarious too – the sets great and sound effects gel well with the lighthearted tone of the movie.

Tim Miller, the director is relatively unknown to me but boy, did he do a fab job of making this one. Again, one of those movies I dismissed at first glance like The Guardians but my suggestion to all – if you haven’t seen this one, watch it. And watch the uncensored one, my people in countries with a sad censor board for movies!

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