The dictionary defines the five lettered word POWER as strength, energy or authority and most of us also associate power with richness or control over others. But power has many guises. Imagine changing a community just by being yourself, by being genuine.

When I think of power I think of St. Francis of Assissi who gave up a pampered life to live in poverty while comforting the sick and the poor. And I think of Mohandas Gandhi, who used what is called the ‘truth force’ in the freedom struggle. What do the individuals who with Gandhi, participated in the struggle have in common? They all spoke and acted as themselves, resolutely standing up for what they believed. They had the inner purity of people true to their ideals. In other words, they were authentic.

Many critics today decry the ‘be yourself’ philosophy as leading to selfishness. But authenticity doesn’t lead to selfishness. It proceeds from the centre of a person’s life but is not self-centered. It sets a glowing example for others and moves them to action. This is its uncanny power, and it is available to all of us.

The concept that we ought to know and be ourselves goes back to the first time a human wondered ‘who am I’. Socrates taught to ‘know thyself’ is the basis of all knowledge. We seem to be asking ‘how can I make my life count for something’ all the time. Authenticity makes each person’s life count by restoring power to the individual. To be oneself is a natural human and universal power, which brings with it a cornucopia of blessings. Authentic people recognize the directions in which their lives are meant to go. They also mobilize the energy of others by inspiring them .

Power of self love – A person who respects and values oneself is much more likely to be able to do the same  for others. When we are not sure who we are, we are uneasy. We try to find out what the other person would like us to say before we speak, would like us to do before we act. When we are insecure, our relationships are governed not by what they need but our needs.

Power of the spirit – No one can summon spiritual powers just by wanting to. But it seems to come often to those most centered on the deep self where discovery begins. I think of Martin Luther King, Jr, marching between the swinging police club and the baying dogs to Selma, Alabama and electrifying a huge audience in Washington. It was impossible to be with him for any length of time without realizing that the spirit was the spring from which he took his life’s responses. Few of us can be great leaders, but any person true to oneself enhances their access to this power of the spirit.

Striving for authenticity is not easy. Its a lifetime endeavor and nobody makes it all the way. It is a becoming rather that an ending, something we learn day by day. Here are a few ways:

1. Pay attention to what is going on in your life, inwardly or outwardly

2. Accept the idea that nothing is wrong with being different from others and we are all equal. The truth is that all of us are different and we are meant to be. ‘ Each on of us is a unique being confronting the world in a unique fashion’ wrote philosopher Paul Weiss. Seek out your deepest convictions and stand by them, live by them.

3. Spend time with yourself. Solitude is at the heart of self-knowledge, because it is when we are alone that we learn to distinguish between the false and the true, the trivial and the important. Nietzsche said ‘Solitude makes us tougher towards ourselves and tenderer towards others’.

As with the splitting of the atom, opening of self gives us access to a hidden power. Authenticity, is a self sensitizing and blessed power. It comes with a feeling at home with oneself, and at home in the universe. It is the greatest power in the world – the power to be ourselves. Don’t you think so?


Freedom, Dog

He howled and he screamed

He tried breaking loose

Why had they tied him up?

What had he done?

He only wanted to roam with glee

With not a care in the world and be free

He even succeeded in standing up on his two

Like he saw other humans do

But foolish was he to think they would let him do

What he wanted to do most – roam with glee and be free.

Nature’s Song

When nature first made man,

Tears of joy down her cheeks ran.

I shall make him brave and fine,

He shall protect me a long time.

Among all he shall be great,

I shall meet all his needs.

With me he shall never suffer,

If he realizes the need of the hour.

But man proved the opposite,

Due to his own wisdom and might.

He challenged nature himself,

All he saw to was himself.

The valleys, hills, plains and dales,

Full of forests, river and falls.

These have been looted by man,

To acquire from them what he can.

Dense forests are now reduced,

Waterfalls for electricity is used.

Resources are almost exhausted,

The fertile earth has been ravaged.

Man had been given the power,

To create and enliven.

But the realization of his weakness,

Came when all was a mess.

Man can’t create life,

Nor live without a strife.

In nature as her child,

Of satisfaction he is devoid.

But O man, it is true,

To destroy, no right have you.

You can’t destroy and not create,

By which you will only deteriorate.

What you can do,

Without much ado,

Is to protect and cherish nature,

Your needs she will nurture.

Having destroyed nature’s treasure,

In his craving for pleasure,

He realized, much as I try,

I cannot create but only destroy!!

Mystery and Niagara Caves – Photo Blog

Like I said in one of my previous travel blogs, there is something about state and national parks that makes so much sense, especially in this day and age where most of Earth’s natural beauty is getting depleted and affected because of our actions. So we jumped at the opportunity of going cave exploration to a couple of guided tours in Minnesota state parks.

There is also something about caves that intrigue me – it is not fear or claustrophobia, I truly believe, if stranded, I can survive in a cave. A course on cave exploration is on my mind but need to do a little more research.

Anyways I digress. This travelogue is about Niagara caves and Mystery Caves

Mystery Caves, discovered in 1937 are one of the longest in MN, spanning over 13 miles. Many features of standard cave formations exist here – stalagmites, stalactites, fossils etc. but the main attraction is a beautiful underground pool called the Turquoise lake.

Another important thing we learnt is about the White-nose syndrome which is wiping off bats rapidly. This deadly disease has eliminated over 6.5 million bats since 2006. The condition is so bad that some of the species are on the verge of extinction. And bat might not look good but mind you, they are one of the most important links in the balanced food chain and ecological sustenance.

Here are some photos from the Mystery caves.

Hundreds of years of formations
Fossil of a giant squid
A sink-hole


Cave formations which look like a veil
Turquoise lake

Niagara caves are more commercial in that sense and get the name because of the tall falls inside the caves. Here is a video of the falls and the caves that another traveler put up on YouTube. There are underground canyons sculpted by water over hundreds of years. There is even a wedding chapel inside a small clearing because of the veil like formations of the caves. And we were told actual weddings take place there – that’s kinda cool.

The chapel surrounded by a veil-like structure
An alligator-back formation
Canyon like formations
Fossil of a worm like creature
The falls inside Niagara caves

These caves are a day-trip distance from Minneapolis and a good educational and awareness attraction for visitors – so anybody who hasn’t gone yet, go ahead!

Daylight Savings – Short Fiction

Source - Pexels

November 6 – Daylight savings commence. So I wound all my clocks back one hour – five of them; all over the house. My laptop and phone had automatically changed over. Did my chores and ate dinner at 6 pm (because it was actually 7 pm). It takes time for the body to forget the time difference. Listless day. Nothing to talk about, nobody to talk to, nothing to look forward to the next day.

But there was this uneasiness, like something was following me around in the house. My husband told me I was just being paranoid because of the freak accident the previous evening.

I was getting back home after dropping him to the airport for his office trip and I this kid on his cycle came out of nowhere. I swerved left, but I was pretty sure I hit him. I managed to hit the brakes before I collided into a tree, luckily the speed had reduced and I was unhurt. I got down and went to see if the kid was okay, but I couldn’t see anything. The kid was nowhere to be seen. I called the cops and after a couple of hours of searching the cops told me that they didn’t see any signs of the kid or the cycle. But one of the cops told me that a similar accident had happened a few years ago when a lady hit a kid on a cycle and the kid was crushed to death. The cops said they will keep a lookout and they drove me home. I popped a couple of sleeping pills and slept through the night. That was yesterday.

9:30 pm, time to sleep. I spoke my husband for a couple of minutes on the phone, he had reached and was about to go for his day long meetings.

I felt the sun shining thorough the windows. I woke up to see the time on the bedside clock – 8:30. Wow, I had slept way more than I usually did. I made myself a cup of coffee and opened read the paper for a bit, my mind not on the news. I have got to find a job, I thought to myself.

I went to the kitchen to think about breakfast when I glanced up at the clock on the cooking range timer. 8:30? Had the clock stopped working? I went into the bedroom, that clock was stuck at 8:30 too. I ran to find the same time on all the other clocks. Weird.

I went to check my laptop and all my hair stood up. I ran to grab my phone and my heart skipped a beat. It was only 7:30. Someone had wound all the clocks forward by an hour. Or was it something in the house?


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State Parks – Taylor Falls and Willow River

The national and state parks in the US are one of the greatest ways you can be in tune with nature and experience the immense beauty that there is. With the National Park Service completing a 100 years there has been a growing community focusing on conservation, recreation, education and preservation. Minnesota has an abundance of natural beauty like many states in the US and we had a peek into the gorgeousness of it all this fall. Taylor Falls State Park and Willow River State Park in Wisconsin were beautiful with the fall colors and natural beauty. These can easily be done in a day and are quite close to each other, also quite close from Minneapolis.

Taylor Falls Park

There is so much to do at this Interstate State Park, located on the beautiful St. Croix River. You can climb the cliffs of the St. Croix River Dalles, canoe the flat-water, watch kayakers rush through the rapids, or relax on an excursion boat. Spring brings a great diversity of wildflowers and in fall, the St. Croix River Valley forest is ablaze in the autumn colors of red, gold, and orange.

Here are some pictures.


The geology that formed this park intrigues many and it was amazing to read how these rocks and glacial formations came about. At least 10 different lava flows are exposed in the park, along with two distinct glacial deposits, and traces of old streams valleys and faults. During the summer, hike the trails and explore the glacial potholes that make this park unique.img_20161022_111112img_20161022_105339img_20161022_105141

The glacial formation above is one of the deepest.


Willow River State Park

With nearly 3,000 acres of prairie, forests and panoramic river scenery, Willow River State Park offers year-round recreation opportunities in western Wisconsin. The park is about five miles northeast of Hudson.


Willow Falls – The view was quite something – very picturesque.img_20161022_154627img_20161022_180239

Evening Colors


The photo above is almost from a postcard – this was probably the best view, from the Little Falls dam.

Anybody know any other trails or parks to go to?

Also check:

North Shore

Seattle – Photo Blog

Oregon -Seaside and Cannon Beach

Trump is President? What? How?

What just happened? How did it happen? Almost everybody was against him, the media, the bi-partisan politicians (well mostly), a whole Hillary-backed team, global nations and a lot of average Americans but he won! He actually won and very clearly so. This blog is not an expert analysis of the election result but some questions that one needs to ask to understand how people work, how a nation works.

Mr. Donald Trump, now President Donald Trump, pulled it off. How? Well he worked hard, he rallied his hard-core supporters and energized their inner beliefs that the usual politician will not do anything for them, he rattled the establishment by making the most crass and lewd comments but got the attention he wanted, he disrespected the idea of democracy and free-press but he worked hard at making sure his hatred spread. He proved everyone wrong and actually won by pulling off nothing short of a miracle.

How frustrated and desperate do people have to be to elect Donald Trump as America’s president? I guess a lot. Maybe, most average Americans liked what Donald Trump had to offer – a demagogue like character but a character that believes that America is really suffering and needs someone from outside the system to make it great again. Maybe, America is inherently racist and wants a leader with whom they can be openly so. A large majority is unhappy with Obamacare and the rise of interest rates might have rattled them even more and they thought Trump is going to repeal it, so maybe he should come to power. There were a lot of people who believed Hillary is a liar and is two-faced and Trump is well, rude but honest. Maybe, they just wanted a change and decided to give a rookie a chance to rise to the occasion. I mean America gave George W. Bush two chances so why not give Donald Trump a single chance to start with? I think I understand where people are coming from.

But can he rise to the occasion? Well, his victory speech certainly seemed like he was willing to try. His speech was very different from his campaign and rallies and the hatred he spread for the last couple of years. His speech was humble, he did seem like he wanted to try and unite the country – democrats and republicans alike, he didn’t gloat about his win and Hillary’s defeat which I thought was a big deal, he didn’t even scream asking people to be thrown out. He was a different personality altogether. Is this the change that he is going to try to make? Is it the fear of the enormous responsibility he has on his shoulders that made him do so, which could be a good thing. And he is said he is willing to learn which is half the battle won. If he can keep his ego and hatred and demi-god like character aside and actually learn from trust advisers who actually know what they are doing, maybe it will be OK. We will just have to wait and watch, won’t we.

But for all those who have a dream, I say anything can happen, even a miracle. The only thing that can’t happen is a woman becoming the president of America, because the glass ceiling is so infinitely high, that there is no way to shatter it.

Doctor Strange – Not a Movie Review

Doctor Strange Movie Review

Woooowww, what just happened there? I feel strange. I saw the movie and what did I think?

Doctor Strange Movie Review

Ok lets start with the good. The special effects were spectacular – I am just another one who feels it was Kaleidoscope-y/Inception-y but really, they looked great. But was there anything else?

Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange was good, but not as great as Downey as Tony Stark like most people are comparing. I mean Stark was so much more defined. I didn’t even see why people are saying there are comparisons – there were like 2 scenes where Strange is shown to be an egotist and a brazenly rude genius. I didn’t really care he lost his hands but I did care when Stark was being held hostage because they developed the character there you see. With Strange, they just fast forwarded without showing anything.

I didn’t really care for the whole mysticism and magic – I mean I know and have read about chakras and energy and what one can do with practices like Pranic Healing and Reiki. The whole Kamar Taj nonsense just felt so superficial, fake even. You send Strange up to Everest and he learns magic because he can’t take the cold? Come on folks!

I really like the chemistry between Stark and Potts because, again, they gave it time to develop. We do see some history here with Strange and his ex-love interest Christine Palmer but I didn’t feel any emotions when he insults her because that is what he has always done and says sorry when he realizes that he has been a dick all the while.

There was just too much going on with the plot too. Instead of the film makers taking time to develop the characters and just sticking to one world-disaster waiting to happen, they just zipped past the jerk-turned-superhero-saves-the-world bit. You see, some of the other super heros are more common, I mean most people would know the stories of Superman or Iron Man or Avengers. But Doctor Strange, they needed more of a back story. Not exposition, of where there was just too much in the movie.

And what was Tilda Swinton doing in the movie? They could have at-least taken an Asian as the ancient one. Don’t even get me started on Chiwetel Ejiofor and his role in the movie. He just looked gave up too easily being the Master and all.

I could just go on and on about it but I will stop.

Folks, I don’t have anything against the actors, I think they did what they were asked to and they did it to the best of their abilities – I blame the greedy studios, trying to make another superhero movie just to fit the MIU. This could have been great, memorable even, if they had just given it time.

I think the only memorable thing in the movie was Benedict Wong as Wong. Lol, he was funny.

Do you guys agree? Well I know somebody agrees. Here is Jia Wei’s review of Doctor Strange. He is on my side 🙂

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Orange tree, it is okay to be different, stand out

There is this tree near our house which is the most amazing orange I have seen a tree this fall season. This simple poem is inspired by this beautiful orange tree which stands out like a sore thumb and is a shout out to all those who feel different from the crowd, who are bullied, who cry silent tears and who think they will never be anything – Don’t fret my friends, each one of us is different, unique and special.

Orange tree, it is okay to be different, stand out

I stand alone

In the midst of green.

I am different.

I am picked on,

And teased

But that’s okay

I know I am special

I know I am orange